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Cybersecurity Awareness Training: Most Effective Way to Protect Yourself and Your Organization from Cyber Threats

Cybersecurity awareness training is important because it helps to protect an organization from cyberattacks that can result in data breaches, financial losses, reputational damage, and legal consequences. Cybersecurity awareness training educates employees on the various types of cyber threats, such as phishing, malware, ransomware, social engineering, etc., and how to recognize and respond to them effectively. Cybersecurity awareness training also helps to create a culture of security within the organization, where employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding the organization’s data and assets. We are confidently providing Cybersecurity awareness training here in Bangladesh for corporate employees.


Some of the benefits of cybersecurity awareness training are:

  1. It reduces the risk of human error, which accounts for up to 82% of all data breaches.
  2. It improves the organization’s capabilities and resilience against cyberattacks.
  3. It enhances the organization’s compliance with security standards and regulations.
  4. It boosts the organization’s reputation and customer confidence.
  5. It saves the organization from potential costs and losses associated with cyber incidents.

Some of the best practices for cybersecurity awareness training are:

  1. Assessing the current level of security awareness and culture in the organization and identifying the gaps and areas for improvement.
  2. Aligning the training objectives and content with the organization’s security goals, policies, and standards.
  3. Tailoring the training to the specific roles, responsibilities, and needs of different groups of employees.
  4. Using a variety of methods and formats to deliver engaging and interactive training, such as videos, quizzes, games, simulations, etc.
  5. Providing regular and frequent training sessions that cover relevant and emerging cyber threats and scenarios.
  6. Reinforcing the training with continuous communication, feedback, recognition, and incentives.
  7. Measuring the effectiveness and impact of the training on employee behavior and security outcomes.
  8. Updating and improving the training based on feedback, data, and best practices.

Some of the common challenges or barriers in Bangladesh on cybersecurity awareness:​

  1. Lack of resources, time, and support: Security awareness professionals may face constraints in their ability to execute, measure, and improve their training programs due to limited budget, staff, tools, or management buy-in.
  2. Lack of impact: Security awareness programs may not be able to engage employees and change their behaviors effectively if the training content is not relevant, interesting, interactive, or personalized to their needs and roles.
  3. Lack of compliance: Security awareness programs may not be able to meet the regulatory or industry standards and requirements for cybersecurity training if they are not aligned with the organization’s policies and goals or updated regularly.
  4. Lack of feedback: Security awareness programs may not be able to evaluate and demonstrate their value and effectiveness if they do not have clear metrics, benchmarks, and feedback mechanisms to track employee performance and behavior change.
  5. Lack of culture: Security awareness programs may not be able to create a culture of security within the organization if they do not have a consistent, continuous, and comprehensive approach that involves all levels of employees and stakeholders.


The human factor is often the weakest link in cyber security. That’s why cyber security awareness training is essential for any organization that wants to safeguard its data, systems, and reputation from cyber threats. Cyber security awareness training educates employees on how to recognize and avoid cyber threats such as phishing, social engineering, malware, ransomware, and more  . It also teaches them the best practices and policies for cyber security, such as using strong passwords, securing devices, protecting data, and reporting incidents . Cyber security awareness training not only helps organizations meet their legal and ethical obligations for cyber security, but also builds a culture of security awareness and empowers employees to be the first line of defense against cyber threats.